California's No. 1 Bus & Coach Rental Company

Click To Call Us Now:   800-697-7614   OR    Request a Callback

A Division of the United Bus Federation

Fill out the boxes below for a quick easy quote


1. Will I pay the company directly after I accept the booking?

Answer: Yes

2. Will I have an opportunity to see the bus I am booking?

Answer: Yes

3. Is there 24-hour support for me if the bus breaks down?

Answer: Yes we are always on-call and only work with companies that meet our high safety and reliability standards.

4. How many prices will you compare?

Answer: 3 or more depending on the itinerary and services.

5. Will you match a price I have already obtained?

Answer: Yes as long as the provider is reputable we will match or beat the price.

6. Can I book in any city or state?

Answer: Yes anywhere in the USA

7. Do you accept major credit cards, and are there any transaction fees?

Answer: Yes we accept all major credit cards, checks, or wire transfers. There is a 3% credit card transaction fee.

8. Is there a deposit required?

Answer: Yes at booking a 20% deposit is required and the balance is due 10-days prior to service.

9. Do I have to give a 30-day notice to cancel?

Answer: Answer: No we require a 10 business day (this excludes weekends) notice to cancel and your deposit will be returned in full.

10. Is there dispute resolution in case we have problems on the trip that we were not responsible for?

Answer: Yes we will ensure all disputes; complaints are handled within 48 hours. No waiting. Our network is your network and we will act quickly to resolve any conflicts or concerns. We are working for you directly connecting you with the lowest rate and the best equipment in the market today there is no middleman. We stand behind our network and guarantee a happy customer.

Tours & Packages

Our Vehicles


10-20 Passengers

Large Minibus

25-36 Passengers

Coach Buses

49-61 Passengers

Sleeper Coach

10-20 Berths

Sprinter Van

7-10 Passengers

School Bus


Corporates We Serve